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Swimming Pool News and Tips - Salt Water Chlorinators

Salt Water Chlorinators


Sanitising swimming pool water with a salt water chlorinator is a popular option for pool owners are looking for an alternative to chlorine tablets and granules. It's a simple and eco friendly way to keep your pool water clean, simply add salt to your swimming pool (don't worry it's only about one ninth as salty as sea water), the salt will pass through the chlorinator cell and turn into chlorine. This chlorine is then used up sanitising the pool water and eventually turns back into salt and the cycle starts again. You don't need to constantly add salt, in fact most salt chlorinated pool owners only need to add it a couple of times a year!

Due to the automatic nature of salt water chlorinators, running the sanitation this way is also very useful for pool owners who are unable to add traditional methods of chlorine to their pool every couple of days.

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